Forum rules
No vulgar content. Do not post pornography or violent images, videos, links, posts, etc.
No racism or sexism. Racism and sexism is zero tolerance, first offense will equal a permanent ban.
No piracy. Do not provide links or guidance for how to obtain pirated media and do not discuss piracy.
No harassment. Do not attack, demean, or otherwise harass other people, whether they have an account or not.
Use common sense. If you don't think that posting something will be a good idea, don't do it.
Users may be banned at the discretion of the site owner, just in general remember "Do not be a jerk!".
No vulgar content. Do not post pornography or violent images, videos, links, posts, etc.
No racism or sexism. Racism and sexism is zero tolerance, first offense will equal a permanent ban.
No piracy. Do not provide links or guidance for how to obtain pirated media and do not discuss piracy.
No harassment. Do not attack, demean, or otherwise harass other people, whether they have an account or not.
Use common sense. If you don't think that posting something will be a good idea, don't do it.
Users may be banned at the discretion of the site owner, just in general remember "Do not be a jerk!".
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